Education Matters NY
A look at current education issues in New York State with current and retired educators hosted by an educator of 30 years.
30 episodes
Adam Ruder from NYSERDA Electric Buses
Wayne interviews Adam Rudder the NYSERDA Director of Clean Transportation. They discuss the role of NYSERDA as well as the promise and challenges to electrifying a school bus fleet.
Season 3
Episode 2

Read, Watch & Listen 8/18/24
Leadership goes to the movies! Wayne uses a series, docudrama, and a documentary as jumping off points for leadership discussions. Check out the titles he recommends.
Season 3
Episode 1

Power of Curriculum-Let's Get the Basics Right
Wayne describes the reasons for his over a year long hiatus from Education Matters. He also talks about the power of curriculum in regards to basic first steps and use a situation from his current role outside of traditional education to illust...

Mark Payne Skills USA April 2023 Edition
It's April which means it is time for Skills USA. Mark Payne has returned to talk about his new role at DDS and this year's Skills USA competition. Mark will also discuss DDS Companies sponsorship of the Precision Heavy Equipment Competition.&n...
Season 3
Episode 2

Origin Story of the Podcast and Future of the Podcast
Education Matters NY is back! In this episode Wayne Ackles explains his extended hiatus. Wayne also shares the circumstances that led to the creation of the podcast as well as the future of the podcast.
Season 3
Episode 1

Hiatus 8/22
Time to take a breather from the show and concentrate on my current job and other personal matters. I will be back!
Season 2
Episode 9

Read, Watch, or Listen- The Gatekeepers, Shake Hands with the Devil and The Power Broker
Some summer or other season reads about leadership. Wayne shares two books on leadership with a twist and a book about how NYS has become the sometimes fiscally dysfunctional place that it is. What do bridges across the Lake Ontario State Parkw...
Season 2
Episode 8

Dave Dunn 45 Years in Education
David Dunn, the immensely successful principal for Martha Brown Middle School, reflects on his career. This emotional interview explores what created that success over 45 years and what kids really need from all of us in public education. ...

July 24 News Round Up & LW&R
Segment spotlights a couple of news articles on teacher recruitment and retention. The episode also looks at some geeky and fun channels from the satellite radio universe.
Season 2
Episode 3

Listen/Read/Watch 1
First in a series of recommendations of material to listen to, watch or read over the summer or after. These materials may provide some insights in your course matter, or if you are an administrator give you further material to help you illustr...
Season 2
Episode 2

Season 2 Premiere Jim Zumbo
Welcome back for Season 2 of Education Matters NY! Jim Zumbo is our kick-off guest for the second season. Jim discusses his career and the role of sports for the whole child. Jim also gives parents tips on how to make the transition to a school...
Season 2
Episode 1

Buffalo and Uvalde Shootings- America We Have a Problem
Special Edition Season Finale- A look at the shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde with special attention to Red Flag Laws, Mental Health and Guns in the United States of America. Are there solutions? Are we willing to look at possible solutions and ...
Season 1
Episode 19

Website Announcement 5/24/22
Education Matters NY has a home on a website now which allows you to send comments, ideas, or suggest a guest that you would like to hear on the show.
Season 1
Episode 18

Reclaiming Your Life(RYL) 4 Work-Life Balance is BS
A look at Dr. Melba Nicholson's article from Fastcompany.com about what we really mean by work-life balance and how to be adjusted to our work and personal lives in the post-pandemic world.
Season 1
Episode 17

Upcoming Resilience and Equity Conference Joe Fantigrossi April 6
Joe Fantigrossi returns to discuss the Resilience and Equity Conference at Falk College on the campus of Syracuse University, May 17-20. Joe discusses the purpose, the guests and opportunities at this conference sponsored by Finger Lakes Commun...
Season 1
Episode 16

Skills USA M.Payne
Mark Payne returns to discuss the Skills USA Competition. Mark talks about his almost 30 year history with the competition and what it means for the young people who compete in it. This year's competition is April 28, in Syracuse NY.
Season 1
Episode 15

Reclaiming Your Life(RYL) 3 The 333 Method of Time Management
Life hack cultivated from an article written in Inc.com by Jessica Stillman on a different way to look at managing your time.
Season 1
Episode 14

Kim Stewart Community Family Outreach Coordinator
Kim is our first Women in Leadership participant. Kim discusses her role as a Community Family Outreach Coordinator and her role in the realm of students with special needs. She also talks about risk taking and how to have professional dialogue...
Season 1
Episode 13

Kids as Props, Don't Say Gay, Transgender Police, and Teaching Controversial Topics 3/12/22
News round up where Governor De-Santis uses students as props and it backfires. We also look at Florida's "Don't Say Gay" Bill. Texas and the role of child protective agencies and schools with emerging transgender students. We also examin...
Season 1
Episode 12

Brian Schmitt and Community Schooling in Genesee Valley Central Schools 3/5/22
Brian Schmitt, the superintendent of Genesee Valley Schools, shares his work in creating a community schools model for his district.
Season 1
Episode 11

Gene Gordon-NASA HUNCH 2-25-22
Gene Gordon former science teacher and current employee of NASA explains what the NASA HUNCH program is and how schools can get involved and work with NASA.
Season 1
Episode 10

Parkland Families OpEd, Indiana Law(LessonPlans), SUNY Microcredentials, How Smart is Your County?
We explore some interesting news articles about active shooters, posting lesson plans for the year, microcredentialing and how smart is your county in New York State?
Season 1
Episode 9

Reclaiming Your Life(RYL) 2 Cultivating Personal Professional Development(PD)
Today's episode focuses on a tool to help you cultivate your own professional development through the use of Flipboard. Next week will be a return to a full episode
Season 1
Episode 8

Mark Payne Alfred State Earth Moving Professor 2-5-22
Mark Payne a fellow Training Coordinator with me at DDS shares his unconventional path into a teaching career at Alfred State. He also shares lessons learned and offers explanations as to why the trades are not being filled and sought out as th...
Season 1
Episode 7