Education Matters NY
Education Matters NY
Website Announcement 5/24/22
Education Matters NY has a home on a website now which allows you to send comments, ideas, or suggest a guest that you would like to hear on the show.
Welcome back to education matters New York. This is your host, Wayne Ackles. And I just wanted to take a quick break from the hiatus to announce some exciting news. And that news is that I have a new website, conveniently named education matters new york.com, which is going to house the podcast and also has a way to connect back and forth with me, I decided not to go the social media route with it, because I'm trying not to feed that beast, if at all possible. But I did feel like there should be some ways for people to reach out whether they wanted to possibly join the show, as a guest or send comments about things that they've heard or ideas for the show. I'm looking forward to having some back and forth communications with people on that. And that's all on the website. Also on the website will be some of the services that Ackles enterprises, offers for schools in terms of some consulting, so if you know someone that may want to hire a consultant, the services are there. The main idea for the website, though, is really to house the services of the podcast. And but it also highlights some of those services as well. So just wanted to share that quick news. And looking forward to getting back into the swing of things here in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, it'll be with Agustin toe. And if not heavens knows there has been enough to talk about in the last couple of literally hours, too, that have an impact on schools. So enjoy this upcoming Memorial Day. Hopefully you're spending it with friends and family. Also take that time to remember those who have sacrificed and it's a good time to remember those that are in the armed services, first responders etc. And all they mean for us as a nation. Thanks again for taking the time and have a great day weekend. And this is Wayne Ackles saying I'll see you next time